Shawnee Fire Company

Contact Shawnee Fire Company

We are an all volunteer organization chartered February 14, 1945 and still dedicated to preserving life and property from fire and other hazards in the villages of Shawnee-on-Delaware and Minisink Hills and surrounding Middle Smithfield Township and Smithfield Township areas. As we celebrate 80 years in servicing the needs of our community, and in cooperation with neighboring fire departments, we look forward to continuing to provide the level of service and professionalism that is expected of our fire company. We are volunteers proudly protecting where we live, work, and play.

Being an all-volunteer company requires our members to raise funds in order for us to operate efficiently. The same people who fight fires and respond to emergencies are the ones who help serve food at dinners, staff our events, solicit donations, and live/work within the community. Your contribution today helps us serve you better. Thank you!

(You will be re-directed to PayPal Giving Fund to complete a secure online donation)

Connect with us

Contact the fire company via email or phone with your non-emergency requests or your offer of support (volunteering or donations)

  • Contact us to provide a community presentation or share fire protection information with you or your organization.
  • There are many ways to get involved with Shawnee Fire Company. Contact us to see how you can share your time, talents, or monetary contributions to help our shared community.

Social Hall Rental

At this time we have put our Social Hall rentals for your family, small business, or organization’s events on hold. Click here for some information and contact Robin Farris with questions.

Website Inquiry

Contact our webmaster for website-related questions or suggestions